Salon 94 presents Generation T by Hella Jongerius

How does unloved porcelain from previous generations become attractive again? Through a new interpretation by Hella Jongerius. with "Generation T", the internationally award-winning designer, Salon 94 and Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg invite you to rediscover the topic of re-use - in a creative, sustainable and visionary manner.
Salon 94 Design Gallery is exclusive Gen T retail partner for 2024. A selection of pre-loved and redesigned plates, cups, tureens etc. has been curated by the Salon 94 team and will be sold exclusively in the gallery. All the objects have a history. Some were inherited, others given away, others bought on the second-hand market. Now these porcelain pieces are receiving a new future; thanks to two new designs that Hella Jongerius has created for Nymphenburg.
The radical "Dripping" décor is provocative - with blue, black or golden drops that form long streaks. Underneath them, the meticulously painted bouquets and scatered flowers disappear like pleasant and unpleasant memories. At the same time, the drops symbolize water. Water that nourishes and gives new life. "Weeds", on the other hand, are free spirits that cover up coveted cultivated florals. With solid and hatched lines, Jongerius' fantasy weeds proliferate seemingly uncontrollable over the edges of plates as fine line drawings. They give courage. Courage that something new is emerging, especially at this moment in time, when even small things in nature play a big role.
"Generation T" stands for tradition, transformation and tableware and is an initiative by Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg and designer Hella Jongerius against the waste of valuable resources - material and human. These are becoming increasingly scarce, especially in the process of producing manufactory porcelain. The idea for this project arose from the desire to bring dinnerware of unique quality, which had previously been gathering dust in the cellar or attic, back to life with a new décor and place it center stage at the table for use and pleasure with family and friends.
For the Dutch designer, this project is another step towards a new future: to reduce our energy footprint and save the planet by moving from a consumer society to a service society. For Jongerius, the future of good, socially responsible design lies in an evolution of content; for example, improving tools, simplifying activities, or even increasing the quality of life; moving away from a NEW product to a FURTHER DEVELOPED product. These are values that Nymphenburg shares without reservation. Thanks to "Generation T", porcelain pieces that have been given, inherited or bought on the second-hand market are now becoming desirable again and are returning to their original purpose - on the table.